Monday, July 12, 2010



A beautiful feeling. That moment when everything just seems right with the world. No cares. No worries. No nothing. Just you and the world grasping life and appreciating every moment of it. It can be experienced at any random time. While sitting and reading a book outside, the moment you jump into a pool and stay under for as long as you can just staring at the blue walls, on top of the mountain where all you can see are other snow capped mountains untouched and smooth, that moment right before you decend down that run, or just standing there staring at the vast ocean as sun rises in the east. Any given moment, that peace lives in your system, unconciously telling that everything will be ok. The Past, Present, and Future drive your thoughts. The past is nothing but history to learn from, the present is an opportunity to take advantage of, and the future is shaped by the actions of our past and present. Like Robin Williams character says in The Dead Poets Society, "Carpe Diem. Sieze the day. Make your lives extraordinary." That's what it's all about. It's so easy gear away from the path, and lose sight of what matters. With all the negativity in this world, you can lose sight of it all. Fortunately, it's these moments of Peace that guide you back  making sure you make life extraordinary. Making life better than you could have ever imagined, whether alone, with friends, with family, that special someone, or with complete strangers. Life keeps going no matter what. There is no pause button, you just got to make sure that every second, of every minute, of every hour, of every day is filled with with nothing but what you want, what makes you happy. Sounds selfish, but there is so much out there that creates happiness that's can make you look selfish as well as unselfish. There's so much out there. You just have to find it... So savor those moments of Serenity, it can help you uncover the best parts of life.

My future lies in Oregon. =] (Photo: A mountain in Oregon, taken from the plane)

Kyle Taylor Hubbard
Born: May 11, 1992
He's just plain Awesome.

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