Friday, July 2, 2010


Ever wish you had a filter system in your head that actually worked, and sometimes that certain things were never shot out of that deadly canister called a mouth. [All the time] It happens to the best of us. The worst part is feeling guilty. It sits in your mind, starts to rot and eat away your brain until you're strung out. Then you get heavy shoulders of regret. [Such a sucky feeling]. But why do we feel guilty after only blurting out Honesty. We are in America, and we do have the freedom of speech. We can say whatever the hell you want, whenever you damn please. [Amen] You shouldn't have to care how other people feel about what you say, but there's a but. In the words of John Mayer, "If you could only/Say What You need to Say/Say What you need to Say/...etc."[Say by John Mayer {duh}] Key words from that song, "if you could only." You can't always be that honest. Especially, when it comes to those that hold some piece of your heart, either big or small. That brutal honesty can sometimes cause them to clunch that piece they have of you, instaneously causing that guilty feeling to release. It then pierces you and gnaws away at you slowly and painfully. [Stupid filter] Fortunately, the strenous gnaw goes away, but only when you feel at peace. At peace with affected, and at peace with the yourself.


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