Saturday, January 30, 2010



Tough topic if you think about it. I mean, yeah, sure, you accept people for who they are. But honestly, do you really? Think about it, whenever you pass someone that's "black" do you hold your stuff closer to your body? When you hear a racial joke, do you laugh hysterically? When someone says something that makes fun of someone slightly different form you, do you not stand up? Yeah, you might fall into one, two, or all of those, or something similar. I watched the movie "Milk" today. What an empowering movie about the struggle of acceptance. Since then America has changed, there are more laws now that prevent discrimination in a professional setting and allow marriage (in some states). Unfortunately, that's doing, as my dad would say, peanuts. There is still so much hate, and anamosity to such an amazing group of people, who do not choose to be who they are, but live their life based on who they are. Most accept themselves. Yet, there are so many who have such a hard time accepting who they are. It hurts me to see them love themselves for who they are, or reach out to someone whom they trust, just because of the rules of society. We're are America. Home of the Free, Land of the Brave. A country based on the principles of accepting people for who they are. How can we be free and brave, when society conjures rules on how we should live? How can we accept ourselves, when we can't accept others. No matter who you are, you deserve a "normal" life just like anyone else. Who care's if you're gay, straight, lesbian, or even bi, you deserve the same thing as everyone else. It is the choices that we make that define how we live. Make a choice, make a movement, make a life for you.

Acceptance has to start somewhere. So wy not start here... now?

"I'm Harvery Milk! And I'm here to recruit you!"
-Harvey Milk.

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