Sunday, January 31, 2010


Music is everywhere, it can be anything.
It can be a crash, or just the sound of your breathing.
It can be a cow mooing, or a baby crying.
It can be the tapping of you pencil or that [annoying] gum chewing sound.
If it's got a beat, it's music.

Music can take you back to a time when things were great,
or even sour.
Music drives your mind, whether you think about it,
or not.
Music lives in your heart as it beats to beat of a drum,
or the breathes that you take.
Music is you.
Music is your heart.
Music is your being.

Be enlightened.

Like Owen says in Just Listen by Sarah Dessen, "Music is a total constant. That's why we have such a strong visceral connection to it, you know? Because a song can take you back instantly to a moment, or a place, or even a person. No matter what else has changed in your or the world, that one song says the same, just like that moment."

What was I listening to while camping when this picture was taken: "Thriller" by Michael Jackson [RIP]

Saturday, January 30, 2010


The future is unclear....
Dust on a glass window.
There's always a vision,
the problem is
how you're going to get there.
You make steps along the way,
when things are clear.
You have some miss steps,
when things get fuzzy.

It's quite a journey,
to your future.
There are years when
things go perfectly
& there are some when things
don't go as planned
Suddenly there's that
year, that one special
year, where each step
is like walking on glass.
It's frightening, and exciting.
For years you live knowing what's
going to happen the following year;
where you were going,
what you were doing,
what you were going to do with friends.
Not anymore.
Next year is a dark hole
Next year is new
Next year,



Tough topic if you think about it. I mean, yeah, sure, you accept people for who they are. But honestly, do you really? Think about it, whenever you pass someone that's "black" do you hold your stuff closer to your body? When you hear a racial joke, do you laugh hysterically? When someone says something that makes fun of someone slightly different form you, do you not stand up? Yeah, you might fall into one, two, or all of those, or something similar. I watched the movie "Milk" today. What an empowering movie about the struggle of acceptance. Since then America has changed, there are more laws now that prevent discrimination in a professional setting and allow marriage (in some states). Unfortunately, that's doing, as my dad would say, peanuts. There is still so much hate, and anamosity to such an amazing group of people, who do not choose to be who they are, but live their life based on who they are. Most accept themselves. Yet, there are so many who have such a hard time accepting who they are. It hurts me to see them love themselves for who they are, or reach out to someone whom they trust, just because of the rules of society. We're are America. Home of the Free, Land of the Brave. A country based on the principles of accepting people for who they are. How can we be free and brave, when society conjures rules on how we should live? How can we accept ourselves, when we can't accept others. No matter who you are, you deserve a "normal" life just like anyone else. Who care's if you're gay, straight, lesbian, or even bi, you deserve the same thing as everyone else. It is the choices that we make that define how we live. Make a choice, make a movement, make a life for you.

Acceptance has to start somewhere. So wy not start here... now?

"I'm Harvery Milk! And I'm here to recruit you!"
-Harvey Milk.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Snow fell to earth last night. I love it, yet this attitude didn't last very long. Little Brothers; what a bother right. I understand that we fight, but this, this was bad. I don't understand why he was angry at me as much as he was. It pains me to see the way he reacted, absolutely pains me. I don't know, maybe I'm over reacting, but maybe I'm not. All I know is I didn't do anything wrong. My mind tells me to forgive and forget, but my heart won't let me, and stops me before I leap. I have so much to release to him. My frustrations, my humor, my care, my compassion, our interests, our fun, our love. Feeling like strangers in our own home. The fight continues to cirlce and spazz throughout my life. Thankfully, maybe, hopefully, it can be over in just two ways. I wish it would settle now, but it might not be so. But thankfully, in a few more months, a few more months, just, a few more months, and I'll be gone. Away from home, Away from him, Away form the pain...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I accept your challenge;

for compassion,

for respect,

for kindness,

and most importantly,

for LOVE.

You changed my life,

You changed my school,

You changed my community,

You changed our state,

You changed our country,

You changed our world.

Your words breathe into the

hearts and minds of everyone,

brave enough to hear your story.

Your words encourage those to

finally speak up for themselves,

and those around them.

Your words dare us to dream

the impossible, and reach for it,

no matter what others say.

Your words challenge people

from all walks of life to be;

to live, to smile, to appreciate.

The Challenge; Your Challenge;

I accept it.

I treasure it.

I, now, live by it.