Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Lying there,
Next to you,
Staring into your ocean blue eyes,
Your warm sweet coffee breath inflaming my nose,
Huddling close to keep warm,
Breathing hard with wonders of what you're thinking about,
Stealing kisses,
Listening to the waves crash,
In unison with your heart beat,
Playing with your hair,
And hands,
Trying to be sneaky and poking your arms,
Smiling for no reason except happiness,
Just staring into those ocean blue eyes,
Feeling so lucky,
To have found someone like you.

Every day, every moment, every breathe I take
is filled with your thoughts.
Yearning to see you, to hold you.
Then finally being with you,
and wanting the world to just
and Me
could just stay there
in that moment forever.

This past month has been nothing but great.
Each week with you progressively gets better.
Who would have thought that one message many moons ago,
could lead to something as powerful as what we have now.
If this month can be as amazing as it has been,
I cannot wait to see what our future together hold.
But as far as I can see right now...
You + Me
Living our dreams
Living our life
With nothing but an adventurous mind,
& Love in our hearts.

Happy One Month Babe! <3 I love you more than anything else in this world.

Our Beach

Sunday, September 12, 2010


I've been here, in my new home for three weeks, that's 21 days, 504 hours [about]. In these past few weeks, I finally have been able to be me. Feel free, make my own decisions about what I do, and when I do it. I can finally tell people that I'm a college student, living on my own, 1352 miles away from home, and loving every fucking minute of it. This may seem wrong to you, but I don't miss home. Not one bit. I have finally been able to taste the freedom that I have been longing for the longest time. In these three weeks, I have accomplished so many things. Living on my own, my first kiss, skydiving, meeting new people on a day to day basis, finding my new best friends, and my first love. <3 It's just amazing! There's just so much positivity about everything that's going on in my life right now. Everything, for once is going right. I'm surrounded by people who I know I can count on, and away from people who bring nothing but negativity. I'm in love with my best friend. The one guy that just makes everything better, and everytime we're together I learn something new about him that makes me love him more. I really cannot express it enough. I am in love with everything in my life. I'm finally living my life to the degree I want. ME! I no longer worry about certain consequences that associate with where I lived before. Coming to Pacific Northwest was the best decision I have ever made. I know for a fact this is where I'm supposed to be and every day here confirms it.

I didn't know that life could be so perfect, but apparently it can.