Friday, February 5, 2010


Friday night, and I'm home.

Out of choice.

This week was long,


not how I wanted it to be.

My bed's been looking like heaven all week.

This weekend should be good.





I'll rest tonight, but tomorrow

The fun begins.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Late Night tonight, can barely keep my eyes open to write.
School's getting to me. It's becoming monotonous.
There'e no more motivation, it's left me.
Gone. Vanished. Disappeared.
It's a bad habit to fall into.
I don't want to fail.
It's not me.
So this.

Why is it happening to me?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Wake Up.

Get Ready.

Go to School.

Come Back From School.

Eat a worthwhile snack.

& Watch DVR'd episodes of Gilmore Girls.

Start homwork.

Check Facebook.

Eat Dinner.

Check Facebook.

Continue Homework.

& download music from my sources.

Check Facebook.

Finish Homework.

Watch TV with mom.

Take some vitamins.

Read a book.

& convince myself to stop

Attempt to go to sleep.

Set Alarm Clock.

Day Dream.





Just an ordinary day in an adventurous world...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Dinner Parties in the Middle of week are the BEST! Great food, great friends, just overall greatness. I love the people I surround myself with. The problem though: I have to wake up early to just get ready for school. Besides that downfall, tonight was fun. Laughing like no care in the world. I miss the feeling. It's just not the same anymore. This year everything changed. My friends changed, my life changed, my entire being changed. I don't know if I should be happy about it or sad. I miss the way things were before, but right now everything is so fresh and fun. Who knows, maybe I'm just being stupid, but it's something I've been thinking about a lot lately. I feel ignored at times, or even like I'm imposing. Is that a way a friend should feel. I didn't think it was, but that's what I'm experiencing. I just don't know anymore. It's hard. I miss being with my friends, but I don't feel like I belong. I feel like I need a new niche. Maybe it's a good thing I'm leaving next year, away from somewhere I probably don't belong.

Monday, February 1, 2010


To you, today was just another monotonous February day. For me, and possibly every other Senior at my high school, there's only 108 days until graduation. 108. 1-0-8. May seem like a lot, but for us it's not that much. we have 108 days with eachother, until we never see eachother again. 108 days until we move on to the next bog phase of our lives. 108 days to establish the strongest bonds ever. 108 days until high schools done. What a thought. High school, done, FOREVER. We've been waiting so long for it to be over, especially first semester senior year. However, now, with days dwindling down closer to the big day, it's actually quite scary. Throughout high school, I've met some of the most extraordinary people. So many are my stable friends, that I'm able to count on, whom I've known almost all my life. It's weird to think that next year, you start a clean slate, you're basically going back to Kindergarden. You have to learn to make new friends, you have to make a good impression, you have to reestablish yourself. I'm scared. I have so much difficulty saying that, because I want to prove to my family and friends that I'm strong and can handle being put in a completely new situation where I don't know anyone. Don't get me wrong, I love to meet new people, but it's intimidating. Here you are, putting yourself out there, and they'll either become apart of your life, or they won't. I can't even think of a word to describe this feeling. It's a mix of vulnerability, fear, and excitement.

Although, I'm scared, I truely cannot wait for what will come into my life next year. I hope for the best, and will live my life with the goals I have in mind, with the adventures I wish to experience. But until then, let these 108 days pass. Let them pass with a new memory to treasure, with all my friends whom make high school worth while, with all the high school experience that will allow me to grow and be ready for what will come after those 108 days...